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Australian Mercy

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Australian Mercy

Australian Mercy is a Christian Aid and Development Organisation that seeks to reach out to the poor and the needy with the love and compassion of God.


YWAM Pacific Waves’ Pacific Village Projects (PVP), is an approved project of Australian Mercy, a registered Australian Government Aid and Development Agency. Donations to the PVP project within Australia are tax deductible. We are subject to an annual independent audit that meets the standards of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID), the Australian Tax Office (ATO) and the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC). Donations made by donors in the United States and Canada are also fully tax deductible.

People who care, helping people in need.

Australian Mercy is a non-governmental, not for profit, charitable company limited by guarantee. Australian Mercy is dedicated to the relief of people suffering hardship and distress both within Australia and overseas. Australian Mercy’s capstone statement is “people who care helping people in need”. Australian Mercy is funded through donations. Donations to Australian Mercy within Australia are tax deductible and is subject to an annual independent audit that meets the standards of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID), the Australian Tax Office (ATO) and the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC).


Australian Mercy projects have many expressions, such as training, emergency relief, provision of medical care, primary health care, child sponsorships, community development, ministry to the homeless, empowering women, economic development, school education and the provision of disability care. Australian Mercy does not give preference based on nationality, gender, ethnicity, creed, or religion and is willing to cooperate with all governments and other non-government organisations for the common good of those in need. All Australian Mercy staff give their services and expertise without charge. They maintain their personal support from people who believe in the value of their ministry. More about Australian Mercy can be found on our webpage:


Australian Mercy is independently constituted and is a mercy ministry provider for Youth With A Mission Australia.

Austrlian Mercy frequently utilises the international resources of YWAM to provide humanitarian relief and developmental assistance to anyone in need regardless of religion, race, gender, age or political persuasion.

*See at Vimeo

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